All of us, no one feels excluded, we must take note that the year we are experiencing, 2022, will be a watershed between a before and an after. The first, to which we have all referred, was a time in which we knew there were certainties. We could count on long summers with the highest temperatures between July and August, with often pleasant springs and autumns. With rains that came periodically in April and November and winter snowfalls above a certain altitude. The after is what we are also witnessing in Sardinia.

They are the phenomena related to climate change. Those who deal with the climate have been studying its evolution for some time now and have ascertained that there is a relationship between the consumption of fossil fuels, the increase in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and the increase in the temperatures of our planet and the seas. . In this regard, some scientists and experts have addressed an appeal which was followed by a petition on to political parties to consider the fight against climate change and the consequent crisis as the necessary basis for achieving fair and sustainable development in the years to come. . Since climate change has an anthropogenic origin, derives from human activity, it is evident that it will be necessary to study and act on social and productive models, on people's consumption, on their health and not least on the individual freedom of each person. we.

Holland is famous for its intensive farming of 100 million cows, pigs and chickens. The government's proposal, which follows the indications of the EU in the fight against pollution, is to reduce by 70% the production of nitrogen and carbon dioxide deriving from the pollution of the land for the faeces and urine of animals. There would be tens of thousands of garments to be cut down and 11,200 companies would have to close or reconvert. The government for the reconversion would allocate 25 billion between now and 2030, but the provinces have not yet presented any plans.

But the cities are the crossroads that brings together a large part of the population, not only in the West. In cities, pollutants from car exhausts and the extensive use of fossil fuels for domestic use add up. So much so that often the citizens' levels of pollution are close to those of industrial areas. But something is moving. Copenhagen is a city of nearly 650,000 inhabitants. It has set itself a goal: to eliminate vehicles powered by fossil fuels by 2025. It starts from a condition of advantage gained over time. 44% of all citizens who go to work or study use the bicycle all year round. And yet out of a thousand inhabitants only 253 have a car. Against 663 in Italy and 653 in the metropolitan city of Cagliari.

What temporal perspectives and what results should Sardinia achieve? It is not clear how we can and want to move to a zero-emission society and in what timeframe starting from the cities. It is distressing to see the streets of our capital full of cars with the many almost empty cycle paths. We live in a time that will be a watershed in our lives and first of all we need to think about how to structure them to mitigate their negative effects. But we must also fight the causes that determine these changes.

Antonio Barracca

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