There were 39,106 Sardinian households that received citizenship income in July, for an average monthly amount of about 535 euros in favor of 75,739 people.

This was revealed by the latest data made public by the INPS Observatory.

To make a comparison, in May - the latest survey - the benefit was allocated to 53,970 families, with 107,665 people involved and an average monthly amount of about 539 euros.

While as regards the citizenship pension , in the same month, the Sardinian nuclei involved were 4,099, for a total of 4,632 people and an average amount of 293 euros .

In the first six months of the year, the revocation of both income and citizenship pension affected 1,926 households.

At the national level, the families who received at least one month's income or pension until June amounted to about 1.61 million, for a total of 3.52 million people involved.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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