The holidays are approaching and we are once again talking about the “Christmas Bonus”, the financial contribution destined by the State for families in economic hardship and disbursed by individual Municipalities.

The provision is provided for by the Sostegni-bis decree of May 2021 and does not concern aid for gifts, but shopping vouchers for the purchase of food and basic necessities (products for personal hygiene or house cleaning ) up to 1,400 euros. This is not a universal measure, but is designed only for nuclei in difficulty due to the Covid emergency.

For this year, 500 million euros have been allocated.

The funds were divided among the various municipalities on the basis of two criteria: "A share equal to 50% of the total fund based on the resident population of each municipality; the remaining 50% of the fund in proportion to the distance between the value of the per capita of each municipality and the national average value ", reads the regulation reported in the Official Gazette.

It is therefore the individual administrations who are responsible for managing the contribution: it is therefore up to them to define, through tenders, who can apply on the basis of the ISEE and how much money is made available.

The sums vary according to the composition of the family unit and the amounts vary from city to city: in general they range from a minimum of 100 euros to 600-700, which reach 1,400 in the case of large families (the bonus can be requested for a maximum of two times). The support will be disbursed by the end of the year.

(Unioneonline / F)

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