In Sardinia eight-hour general strike on 16 December.

This was announced by the regional CGIL , which responds to the appeal of the national CGIL and the UIL, which have proclaimed a series of mobilizations to be held in various regions of Italy from 12 to 16 December against the Meloni government's budget law.

A maneuver that the union defines as "unfair and ineffective in the context of the country's very serious economic and social difficulties and characterized by measures that will have an even more devastating impact in a disadvantaged region such as Sardinia".

"The national government - said the secretary general of the CGIL Sardinia Fausto Durante - rages against poor and fragile people and instead shows itself weak, or compliant, towards tax evaders, does not address the wage emergency, does not intervene structurally on the increase in energy prices and inflation, with the flat tax the unfairness of the tax system increases, it reduces the resources necessary for health care, education and public transport, it intervenes on the indexation of pensions by carrying out a real robbery against pensioners ».
"In 2023 there is a risk of recession and in the face of this situation the government's response is completely inadequate and in the maneuver - underlines the union - there is in fact no trace of the proposals advanced in the meeting with the Government".

In particular, according to the CGIL, "the launch of reforms built with the world of work, inspired by the criteria of solidarity, social justice, based on the quality and stability of work, on safety in the workplace and on industrial policies capable to envisage a new future for the country".

On the contrary, the note from CGIL Sardinia continues, «the approved measures and the overall strategy that inspires the first actions of the Meloni government go in the opposite direction to the real needs of the people, outlining a retreat of the country and also of Sardinia. For these reasons, the CGIL has decided to react strongly by proclaiming a general strike and launching a season of mobilization that restores protagonism to the territories in a phase in which the ability to unite and not divide people and the different areas of the country is decisive".

Finally, concludes the union, «in the background, but certainly not least, there is the strong perplexity of the union in Sardinia towards the reform of differentiated autonomy proposed by Minister Calderoli . Another chapter on which the union front will very soon not fail to provide its own contribution».


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