The unity and participation of the people rediscovered. After two years without citizens due to health restrictions, the Sassari festival returns to its full version. It will be "a historic edition", as the mayor Nanni Campus underlined.

In fact, on 14 August 13 votive candles will drop for the first time, thanks to the inclusion of the Laborers and Autoferrotranvieri, who had marched last year only with the banner. The Faradda live broadcast will be broadcast live on Videolina starting at 6pm .

Intergremio president Fabio Madau highlighted: “We have reached the end of a troubled path thanks to the great sense of community”.

In the presentation press conference, the complete program was illustrated, which starts on August 4 with the descent of the Little Candlesticks along the short path from Porta Sant'Antonio to the square of the Church of Santa Maria di Betlem.

On August 11, Piazza Santa Caterina hosts the “Concert for the Candlesticks” and on the 12th the special Gold, Silver and Gold candlestick will be awarded to the Sassari who have emigrated for a long time.

The day of August 14 will begin with the dressing of votive candles in the various locations of the Gremi or in the house of the obriere. On the occasion of the press conference, Mayor Campus handed over to the representatives of the gremi the keys of the premises granted on free loan to the corporations that needed premises.

The Municipality of Sassari has distributed 20,000 brochures to help tourists identify the locations and follow the path as mentioned by the councilor for Culture Laura Useri.

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