The Third Pole project, looking at it closely, looks like that of a DC but without the obligation to go to mass. The inspiration of Carlo Calenda is not Christian Democrat (if anything a shareholder, in fact he founded Action), but the aspiration yes: in the sense that, when he speaks of "a great quiet, central force", out of the right-left duel, he seems to aspire to conquer a long-dismembered political space. It is not a path that will end on September 25, but the polls will tell if it is feasible. We need a good result, and Calenda sets the bar at 10%: «Below, it would be a failure».

Nice tall, this rod.

"I have been saying for some time that we will go even beyond 10. Our goal is to overcome the League and create the conditions for a government of national unity, beyond the right-left conflict".

How can you get there?

«We just need to take 10 to 12%, and the only possible government will be that of Draghi. We will not allow another to form. '

But Draghi is not available.

«Even Mattarella said he was not available for the second term: but when the homeland calls, the responsible people answer. Draghi could not say more ».

How does he manage to stop Giorgia Meloni with 12%?

“With the proportional system, and a high M5S, the center-right will not have the majority. And then the right is smashed on the inside. On the other hand, the Democratic Party even says it does not want to govern with its own allies, Fratoianni and Bonelli ».

So who would be in this national unity?

«The formation of the Draghi government, but without the 5 Stars».

And still without FdI, then.

"Yes, but with one difference: there would be a great reformist republican liberal pole supporting the Draghi agenda."

By running without the Democratic Party, aren't you doing a favor to the right in single-member colleges?

“They were already lost. Letta implemented a strategy whereby, however, there were four poles. In addition to the votes of the reformists disappointed by the Democratic Party, we will also get a lot of votes in the center-right, as I did in Rome, reaching 20% ».

Do you dream of a new DC?

“No, a great central political entity, a quiet force that makes things happen. Without promising the moon or pursuing subsidies and bonuses as the only idea of government ».

Never with Meloni, however.

«His line is more radical every day, more to the right. And very far from ours: no to the Piombino regasification plant, no to the gas pipeline in the Marche ... Mal is married to a republican spirit, which wants to work on concrete things ».

How likely is it to see Draghi premier again?

"In my opinion, 90 percent."


“Yes, I don't see a right-wing government perspective. Berlusconi and Salvini will release a moment after the vote ».

From the Democratic Party they accuse it of attacking them more than the right.

“This is nonsense. I am the one who attacks least of all, for 25 days I have been asking to stop to talk about expensive bills. I don't like to divide Italy in two, as do the posters in which those who are pro-vax vote for Pd and those who are no-vax no. You see, if a broad coalition with Draghi as president is not recreated, the Democratic Party will immediately return to the M5S ».

With Renzi you seemed very distant, but then ...

“It's true, we have been very distant on the Conte bis government. It has now taken a significant step back. There is my name on the symbol, he attributed the leadership of the alliance to me ».

He also shows up little.

"I think he is interested in giving birth to a great party of the Republic, which is also his political legacy."

Alliances aside: how do you react to high bills?

“In the meantime, we must decouple the price of electricity from that of gas, given that only 40% is produced by gas. Easy to say, a little less. We need the obligation to sell to the Energy Services Manager, to indemnify those who have already sold the cash flows ... But it can be done. And the cost of energy is reduced by about 40% ».

Excuse me, but the restaurateurs here say they will close next month.

«In fact, that cut is not enough, there are companies, shops, bakeries that have very high energy costs. You have to add money to reduce it further, and this thing costs about 15 billion every two months ».

To be found by running a deficit?

"Yes, because if you lose those activities, the impact you have on GDP and employment is such that you will pay much more money".

She doesn't like the basic income, but she proposes the minimum wage. Because?

«I propose a minimum wage of 9 euros because you don't have to work below that amount. But if you get the Citizenship Income and they offer you a job, you either accept or lose the benefit. The two things go well together: today people often do not accept jobs that are paid too little, with the minimum wage it would not happen ».

What does Action for Development and Employment propose?

«First of all, the full relaunch of Impresa 4.0, which has made companies develop and our industrial production, innovation and exports grow more than Germany. Then I tell you something that I really care about, linked to Sulcis and in particular to Alcoa and Eurallumina: we need to work to have a regasification ship that allows the use of gas at controlled prices, so as to resume aluminum production. With globalization, we thought we could take certain goods from China; today we understand that you must also have those productions at a European and national level ».

Can Galsi be useful?

“We can talk about it, but it is very expensive, long, difficult. Putting a regasification vessel offshore is much simpler ».

You are in favor of nuclear power: do you think there will be no power plants in Sardinia?

“In the first place, no, I'd be a scoundrel. The location is decided with in-depth studies. But Sardinia has already given, in many respects: like military polygons. Let's say it deserved the exemption. And then a power plant in Sardinia would not make economic sense, you would have to make new power lines to transmit the energy produced ».

Reform chapter: you propose the direct election of the premier. Does it resemble FdI presidentialism?

“It is the project of the mayor of Italy, different from Giorgia Meloni's idea because for us the head of state must remain a non-partisan element, a factor of national unity and guarantor of the Constitution. But there are other urgent reforms: first of all the abolition of a Chamber, because with the cut of the parliamentarians the legislative process will be very slow. Then the fifth Title of the Constitution must be reviewed, placing strategic investments, especially in energy, under central power ».

But would the regional specialty save?

"Of course. I am talking about some strategic skills: if I have to put a regasification plant in Sulcis, I cannot waste time with the Region or the Municipalities. If I deem it necessary, I do it and end the discussion ».

For the Piombino regasification plant he said he would send the military… Isn't that exaggerated?

«I did it with the Tap in Puglia. I declared it a site of national interest, and I sent the policemen to monitor the construction site: otherwise we would never have done the Tap ».

What are the other key proposals of Action?

“Spending the little money we have only on health and education, the two great pillars of Italian welfare. On average it takes 22 months for a mammogram and 13 for a CT scan. First of all, we need to take the medical Mes, which is worth more than 30 billion, and then hire 50,000 nurses and 40,000 doctors ”.

What does it say to those who would like to re-discuss the PNRR?

"That if we re-discuss it, we lose it, and if we lose the NRP, we also lose the ECB's anti-spread shield, which is connected. And if that happens, we'll break our heads. '

Giuseppe Meloni

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