The chances of an agreement between the Action and the Democratic Party were all played out in the face to face scheduled this morning in the House. And the result was positive: “The agreement exists”.

This is confirmed by the direct protagonists in a press conference in the Chamber, where they explained the perimeter of the alliance that will make them run together in the next elections on 25 September with + Europe by Benedetto Della Vedova .

Action leader Carlo Calenda had proposed it to the Pd secretary, Enrico Letta : "Let's meet with Più Europa and close in one direction or another". And Letta has collected "without preclusions".

"We announce that following a meeting with delegations of the two parties we have signed an agreement, which we consider very important - Letta's words - an electoral pact, within a broader agreement with other components that we believe are fundamental to be successful . towards the right ".

"The pact we made today - continued the secretary of the Democratic Party - makes the next elections contestable, we felt it our duty to offer a convincing and winning proposal". "We all showed a great sense of responsibility - continued Letta - Italy it is worth more than internal discussions ". "It is unthinkable that after Draghi the country will pass to the government of the right or led by Giorgia Meloni - the conclusion - After Draghi, Italy needs a government experience that carries out programs that have been very successful ".

"We are solid and compact, nothing is written, we are going to win the elections, from today for me every discussion is over, there is the game and we will win the game", underlined the leader of Action, Carlo Calenda . As for Renzi , explains the leader of Action, "the doors are open to everyone and I have thought about it a lot. the numbers. I don't think anyone has ever vetoed from a coalition point of view. "

THE AGREEMENT - The totality of candidates in the single-member constituencies of the coalition will be divided between Democrats and Progressives and Action / + Europe in the measure of 70% (Democratic Party) and 30% (+ Europe / Action) , deducting from the total of the constituencies those who they will be attributed to the other lists of the electoral alliance. This ratio will be applied to the different groups of colleges that will be identified by mutual agreement. The parties undertake to request that the speaking time allotted to the coalition in television broadcasts be shared in the same percentages applied to the constituencies. "The parties undertake not to nominate personalities who may be divisive for their respective electorates in the single-member constituencies - the document continues - to increase the chances of victory for the alliance. Consequently, in the single-member constituencies the leaders of the political forces that will constitute the alliance, the former parliamentarians of the M5S (who left in the last legislature), the former parliamentarians of Forza Italia (who left in the last legislature).

REACTIONS - "The Letta-Calenda telenovela is finally over. Good luck to the new group", is the hot comment on twitter of the M5s leader, Giuseppe Conte .

"Action throws off the mask. It is the fifth column of the Democratic Party and of the left. Other than a project to create a new center, other than the Draghi government, simply at the service of those who want the assets for a few more places". Antonio Tajani , National Coordinator of Forza Italia writes on Twitter.

(Unioneonline / vl)

(Unioneonline / vl)

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