He goes back to talking about the breaking of the alliance with the dem "daughter of a very hard negotiation and a compromise" so much so that "two wings of the coalition had been created, one of which is contrary to everything the other says" and then he talks about the possible agreement with Italia Viva announcing "we will meet to discuss it". Thus the leader of Action, Carlo Calenda about the elections and alliances in an interview taken by the press agencies.

"The problem of the Democratic Party is always the same - he underlines -, since it does not feel capable of representing the whole left, it puts anyone in it. They were afraid that Fratoianni and Bonelli would go with Conte. To do what, Melénchon with the clutch bag? brothel and for the left it will be a resounding defeat ".

It is certain that he will not need to collect signatures to present himself: "Yesterday the European Parliament - explained Calenda this morning on TV - sent the Viminale the certification that I was elected from a composite list, so it is not a problem exemption which is in full compliance with the law ". He is not afraid that his choice to break with the dem will favor the right: "Meloni does not necessarily win. I will get many votes out of the center right, there will be a great wave of consensus as happened in Rome. If I go well I will remove a lot of consents to the right in the proportional and this will compensate the result of the colleges, indeed the balance for them will be negative. I can send Forza Italia under 3% ".

Open the dialogue for an alliance with Renzi, on which however he specifies: "An agreement between us is neither predictable nor banal. With Renzi there are relationships that have deteriorated over time, a programmatic consonance unites us and some choices divide us".

The leader of IV, for his part, argues that the break between dem and Action is the confirmation that "the big crowd does not work . You go to the voters sharing ideas, not a scheme with the number of colleges" and extends his hand to Calenda "when we worked together we worked well" opening the birth of the Third Pole .

"That of 25 September will be a seed, which will have an excellent electoral result but which will be destined to assert itself in the future - underlines in an interview taken by the press agencies -. There are moderates who do not want to vote for the Flame , there are reformists who they don't want to vote for the anti-Dragons : giving them a roof means having a political vision , not a list of technical things to do ".

Addressing the issue of the alliance with Calenda he says: "The ideas in common are closer than the methodological and character differences that separate us. We have positioned ourselves on the Third Pole immediately. If Action suits us, we are ready to start again together , without primogeniture. but aiming for the good of Italy. Carlo and I together can make a bang ". According to Renzi "Letta is the real loser of this political phase": "He could have made an agreement in the name of anti-Melonism and anti-Salvinism - he underlines -. To do so, however, he had to make an agreement with the Five Stars. . Or vice versa he could make a political agenda in the name of Mario Draghi and then he had to bring in Italia Viva, Action and the reformists. And keep the populists out, instead he got caught up in his personal grudges against me. And above all he remained undecided and indecisive. hesitating about political strategy ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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