The story focuses on the figure of the partisan and communist activist Teresa Noce, one of the twenty-one women elected to the Constituent Assembly who contributed to the drafting of the Italian Constitution. His human and political story runs through the comic book "A machine for two" (now in bookstores), one of the most significant fruits of the project "The boys of the International: the birth of the Italian Communist Party told by young people", conceived and managed by il crogiuolo, Cagliari's theatrical and cultural intervention centre, selected and supported by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

The comic, published by the Condaghes publishing house, was created by the students of the 3rd D class of the Liceo Scientifico Sportivo of the Convitto Vittorio Emanuele II of Cagliari (school year 2022-23), written by the screenwriter Daniele Mocci and illustrated by the illustrator Jean Claudio Win.


The pages of the work

In particular, the pages of the book recount the experiences of a very young Teresa Noce, involved on the front line in the fights for the defense of the rights of female workers at FIAT in Turin in the aftermath of the First World War, and the meeting between the protagonist and Luigi Longo, who later became her husband and secretary of the PCI. With “IRagazzi dell'Internazionale”, the Il Crogiuolo Theater Intervention Center directed by Rita Atzeri, gave rise to an artistic investigation into Teresa Noce's militancy in the Communist Party and the ideas she cultivated. Also on the field is Laura Stochino who, in addition to being the class's History teacher, is the teaching contact for Issasco (Institute for the history of anti-fascism and contemporary society), partner of the project on a scientific and operational level. The volume "A machine for two", in addition to the comic story, includes an introduction by Laura Stochino and a final note signed by Giuseppe Longo, Luigi's son.

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