«A place to create dialogue and discussion. A contribution to having more aware citizens and public administrators better prepared to face the challenges of politics. Now we have the municipal elections in Cagliari, attention is paid to this event which offers new ideas to the debate on the future of the city". The objective of the Reformers' political training school in the words of the manager Umberto Ticca, new regional councilor. Today a new session dedicated to the training of citizens and future administrators. In the Il Lido establishment, at Poetto, in the enchanting scenery of the Golfo degli Angeli, three different points of view.

The interventions

The morning was opened by Luca Poma , journalist and political advisor, professor at the Lumsa University of Rome. He is the consultant of Senator Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, who he also followed during the period in which he was Foreign Minister (from 2011 to 2013). «To build a good political reputation – he said – it is necessary to start from the quality of the service and the proposal. Without quality you don't go anywhere. We must not give in to the sirens of marketing and easy communication which communicate nothing if the quality of the proposal is lacking. Citizens ask for authenticity, transparency, coherence." The architect Fabrizio Leoni , who travels between Barcelona and Milan between work and university, presented the Barcelona model which «in 30-40 years, a very short time for urban planning, has invented an excellent development model based on a new image and a solid organization. Today it offers residents and tourists a new lifestyle and a radically different approach compared to the previous phase." Replicable model in a city like Cagliari? «Why not, even with the appropriate adaptations».

Dialogue about the book

As part of the Reformers' political training school, there was also a meeting with Sergio Zuncheddu , editor of the L'Unione Sarda group, who presented, in dialogue with Michele Cossa, his "Buongiorno SarDegna". The entrepreneur, observing the horizon of the Gulf of Angels, remarked that «the Sardinians cannot allow scenarios like this to be irremediably ruined. The landscape is our main wealth and we cannot lose it due to the presence of wind farms which represent very serious damage to our environment." There is a road to follow and it leads to Borutta: «Photovoltaic panels have been installed on the roofs of public buildings and private homes to achieve energy self-sufficiency». Here is the objective: «Generate energy from renewable sources in the exclusive interest of the Sardinians». Tourism, human capital, differentiated autonomy, insularity, the need to provide training for entrepreneurs and public administration managers were the other topics addressed.

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