These are words that smell of farewell, those released by Nahitan Nandez 's attorney, Pablo Bentancur, to the microphones of The Uruguayan agent, without beating about the bush, opened up the sale : «These have been two very tough years for Cagliari», he explains. “Even for the player. Luckily we saw Cagliari get to the victory that brought them back to Serie A, where they deserve to be. I spoke with the President and the club and in the end we decided, in complete tranquillity, I can say it publicly, to go and look for a proposal to recover Cagliari's important investment . The President spent something like 18 million, and there's also a percentage to go to Boca».

A speech, that of the sale of Nandez, which seems to have already begun: " I have already heard some proposals ", continues Bentancur. «In Italy, it will soon be from whom. I don't want to name names right now, because I made a promise. There are a couple of important clubs in Italy, and I'll have to work for both the player and Cagliari to recover the investment».

Then a few words also on the relationship that El Leon has established with the island: «The footballer, I want to say it, still carries this experience in his heart . Sardinia has entered the heart of him and his partner. Nandez is a man who lives in a different world from football characters. Shepherds, sheep, six-seven dogs, wild boars. A unique character."


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