After yesterday's absence, in order to be able to take part in the awards ceremony for the Golden Bench in Coverciano, today Claudio Ranieri returned to the bridge to lead Cagliari's double session in Asseminello. We need to prepare for Saturday's trip to Venice, to be faced once again in a great emergency.

Even today, in fact, personalized work for the injured historical Deiola, Nandez, Di Pardo, Viola, Falco and Pavoletti, all unavailable for the challenge of the "Penzo". And Lapadula won't be in the lagoon either, regularly stopped for a turn by the sports judge after the Bari red.

Tomorrow we'll be back on the field in the afternoon and Asseminello will open the doors to the fans. Entrance reserved for those who attended the Primavera championship match between Filippi's Cagliari and Inter.

Meanwhile, tickets for the match against Genoa on March 1 at the Domus are on sale this morning. For now, only the online box offices are open, from Monday the sale will also start in Piazza L'Unione Sarda.

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