The ancient city of Tharros , in the seaside village of San Giovanni di Sinis, will again be under the magnifying glass of scholars .

The municipal administration of Cabras during the last City Council approved the authorization in favor of the University of Bologna for a new excavation campaign in the necropolis , always under the careful direction of the archaeologist Anna Chiara Fariselli, scientific director of the project excavation on behalf of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage in collaboration with the Superintendency. Obligatory act as it is land for civic use. The resolution was unanimously approved.

As always , many students will arrive who will alternate in several groups . And as the deputy mayor, Alessandra Pinna, explained during the public assembly, she will dig herself from the first to the 22nd of December. But also from May 1st to June 4th.

Archaeologists will be at work both in the eastern sector of Tharros and in the isthmus area. The goal is always the same: to be able to learn more about the populations buried in that precise area of Tharros and how they lived.

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