It is a hug from those who want to share the sacrifice they have just made. That for San Salvatore has become a contagious faith, of everyone. There are those who run with the strength of their legs, those who wait for the runners with a beating heart. Never like this time, around that army of men dressed in white, had so many people been seen. Faithful arrived from every corner of the island, but above all tourists who leave the Sinis fascinated by the ritual of the Corsa degli Scalzi. Just under 20,000 people were present in Cabras on Sunday, where 900 runners brought the simulacrum of San Salvatore back from the village to the lagoon village. An invasion never seen before. So say the organizers.

Tourists enraptured by the ritual

Just stay in via Tharros, shortly after the arrival of the Scalzi, to understand the reactions and emotions of those attending the race for the first time. «I'm speechless - says Sonia Visintin, on holiday in the Oristano area - I had heard of this traditional event, but to understand it you have to experience it up close. Seeing these men running with effort and sacrifice to honor their saint is incredible. For them it is a liberation, it can be seen from the faces, from their joy once the ritual is over". «There are almost a thousand men but it seems to see a single soul, a single heart that beats, a single person - reflects Carlo Meloni, Sardinian by origin, shortly after 8 pm when the party explodes in Cabras - Unity is striking of these men all dressed the same who cry, get excited, hug each other: it's magic. Everyone should see at least once in their life this rarity that makes us think more today».

A big event

For hours it was impossible to move in many streets of the town. The faithful were everywhere: in San Salvatore at the time of the departure of the barefoot, along the dusty paths and on the asphalt. All to encourage them during their sacrifice. But the real invasion of souls is in via Tharros: an incredible sight. Many also wanted to greet the Saint once he was transported to the church of Santa Maria where he will remain for a whole year. A thousand people inside the church. The mayor of Cabras Andrea Abis: «The result of the promotion of the event, of the great work put in place by many parties. Important presences in San Salvatore, in Cabras but also on social networks and during live television broadcasts». The accommodation facilities and excellent numbers in restaurants and bars are also fully booked.

The final stage

Yesterday morning at dawn it was the women who closed the celebrations. More than 300 barefoot women trampled the same route to carry Santu Srabadoeddu from the village to the church of Cabras. And now silence reigns in the ancient village.

Sarah Pinna

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