Government tightening on building bonuses, including superbonus . In fact, for new interventions it will no longer be possible to resort to the transfer of credit or a discount on the invoice.

Furthermore, the experience recently launched by some public bodies of purchasing problem loans is dying in the bud: the bodies in question will no longer be able to do so.

Only two articles, but with measures of impact. First of all, the total stop at a discount on the invoice and credit transfer: from now on for new building projects (not those already underway) only the tax deduction remains. There is also a ban for public administrations to purchase credits deriving from building bonuses.

The objective of the u-turn, which came as a surprise to the Council of Ministers, is twofold, explains the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti: "To solve the problem of credits, which have now reached 110 billion, and to secure the public accounts" .

A move that however is poorly digested by the sector, with companies sounding the alarm, also for the possible bankruptcies of companies active in the building sector: «So - the ANCE (the National Association of Building Builders) goes on the attack - the government is destroying families and companies».


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