Antonio Borrotzu, 43, from Orani, a professional bomber for a lifetime and now for pleasure, never denies himself. Play in the First category in Campanedda, a hamlet of Sassari. Also last Sunday with his relentless right foot he scored, opening the scoring against Pefugas, in a game that ended 5-1 for his team. And there are over 400 career goals, including Serie C and D, in prestigious teams such as Tempio and Messina, just to name the most famous of a very long list.

Why did you choose Campanedda?

“I live a stone's throw away, in Porto Torres. The management of the team proposed me a serious project, which I accepted with enthusiasm ”.

However, the club also seems enthusiastic, not just for the goals.

"I'm glad to hear it. I try to put my experience and professionalism at the service of the team, especially the younger ones. We are building something important ”.

As a current third place in the standings.

“In the first category there are certainly teams that have more names than ours, like Sennori or Ploaghe, for example. But we can do well and we intend to compete in a top championship. I consider our squad up to the occasion. Furthermore, we are all friends, who make use of a trained technical staff and a management that is always close to us ”.

In short, ideal for winning the championship.

"I'm not saying that, and I don't want to be presumptuous, but the teams aiming for a group win shouldn't underestimate us."

How long does Antonio Borrotzu intend to continue?

“As long as the physicist will allow me. For now I am fine and I only have to overcome a small back problem. I always train with determination and when on Sunday I see the net swell after a goal from my team it is always a thrilling sensation. The one for which it is not yet worth stopping ”.

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