The Giolzi Bonorva cultural association, the municipality and the Pro loco have formalized the program of the " Canervale Bonorvesu 2023-fifth edition Pischittu prize ".

It begins on February 16th at 11, with the costume party with the school children . At 12 there will be the itinerant gastronomic competition "Pone a modde unu punzu 'e fae" to evaluate the best dish "Fau cun concu". At 7pm the traditional broad bean will be served.

Saturday 18 at 16 space accompaniment, starting from Corso Umberto I, Giolzi in the direction of Piazza Santa Maria. At the same time there will be a traveling cocktail competition , in collaboration with the bartenders and a traveling wine competition to evaluate the best red wine. At 19 it will be the turn of the traditional steak offered by the Cavalieri s'Ischiglia Association, and of "Cattas e Beladina" offered by the Pro loco of Bonorva.

Sunday 19 February, at 4 pm, new appointment for children with the "Mask Hunt" conceived by the late Crsitina Maurantonio and conducted by the "Coccotrilly".

At 17 the complex "Quattroquarti band" will perform. During the evening a dish of the Bonorvese tradition will be offered to those present: “Il pane doradu, il pane frissu and Saltizza”.

On Monday 20 February, at 4 pm, it will be the turn of the golden coriander , a singing competition for children conducted by Claudia Sachintu and Manuela Bande. A tasting of a typical dish of Bonorvese cuisine will follow.

On February 21, Shrove Tuesday, from 4 pm, starting from Piazza Sant'Antonio, the traditional parade of masks and allegorical floats will take place. At 17, in Piazza Santa Maria, the musical entertainment show "Carnival Dance Show" will take place.

At 20, with the arrival of the last wagon, the trial of "Giolzi" will take place. For the occasion , the "Pischittu" prize will be awarded , offered by family members to the most original single or group mask of the whole carnival.

On Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 February, in Corso Umberto Primo, the spectacular acrobatic teams of the riders of the S'Ischiglia Association will take place. Also on the program is the tasting of traditional dishes based on zichi , the typical bread of the village of Meilogu.

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