A sort of electoral pax to bring the Draghi government to take urgent measures against the expensive bills. Carlo Calenda had put forward the proposal in recent days, now Matteo Salvini is relaunching it, but "without suspending the electoral campaign", specifies, making fun of the leader of Action who "is afraid of losing".

The secretary of the League from his tour in Calabria offers an " armistice " to the other leaders. "A call on zoom is enough to find a common solution," he said, launching an appeal to Conte, Calenda and Letta, taking "for granted" that his allies Berlusconi and Meloni agree.

"We have quantified the urgent and necessary intervention at 30 billion euros to block the increases now without incurring European sanctions," he said.

“Thank goodness - Calenda replies -, at least one has arrived. Let's meet tomorrow and let's try to find an agreement to avoid a disaster ”.

However, there is still no such table and it is not even in sight. Each party proposes its own recipes.

Giuseppe Conte , M5S sources point out, has long been asking for a comparison between parties on the expensive bills: among those pushing for a budget variance, the former prime minister indicated as a priority "to recover the 9 billion extra profits lost on the street from government ”, extending“ this taxation also to the pharmaceutical and insurance sectors ”.

Sinistra Italiana and Verdi ask for the "immediate redistribution of the 50 billion extra-profits of the energy companies to the current accounts of Italian households and businesses". The Democratic Party instead focuses on increasing the tax credit for energy-intensive companies, as well as the ceiling on bills, with the decoupling of the price between fossil and renewable sources: "The initiatives that the Draghi Government will take - explains Enrico Letta - are the most determined and timely at both national and European level. They will find our support ”. Also for + Europe "it is up to Draghi to take the initiative", with Emma Bonino hoping for an intervention "between Tuesday and Wednesday".

(Unioneonline / L)

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