Bianca Balti will fly to Los Angeles on December 8 for a preventive mastectomy . The removal of the breasts comes after the 38-year-old model announced in the summer that she would also have to undergo surgery to have her ovaries and tubes removed.

After the diagnosis of a genetic mutation (BRCA) , which predisposes to the development of some tumors already at a young age, the decision to intervene. Now the new message addressed to the fans: «I will be hospitalized for the preventive removal of the breast tissue. And now that I can no longer draw back, selfishly, I turn to you. To be told how brave I am, that I'm doing the right thing, that I inspire you. Because I've lost the feeling that brought me here; I lost myself in self-pity.'

«Mom is having surgery – writes Balti again – because she loves life too much . So I told Mia and so I tell you. Thursday 8 December 2022, at 11.00 in Los Angeles, for the umpteenth time Bianca chooses life ».

«My desire to fight has always been directly proportional to the difficulties that afflicted me. No one has ever forced me; I have always chosen to exist». With the same grit, a few months ago, the model from Lodi underwent a cycle of ovarian stimulation for the removal of 5 oocytes which will allow her to become a mother again , in the future, if she so wishes.


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