"Draghi would certainly be an excellent President of the Republic. But I wonder if his current role, continuing over time, would no longer bring benefits to our country". This was stated by the president of Forza Italia Silvio Berlusconi, from Brussels, where he arrived for the pre-summit of the EPP.

However, his name is also mentioned for the Colle. And in this regard, the former premier commented: “How do I see Berlusconi? I see him in shape after a bit of ailments due to Covid and for the moment he has no idea about it ".

Then an opinion on Draghi himself: "He has an ancient and very solid relationship with me, it was I who, overcoming the strong objections of my minister, Tremonti, led him to governor of the Bank of Italy".

Berlusconi then commented on the statements of Mariastella Gelmini, who criticized the line of the current leaders of Forza Italia, which he said would somehow cut her and the other blue ministers and government delegates out of the relationship with the Forza Italia leader. "I do not know what happened to Minister Gelmini, yesterday's statements are also absolutely contrary to reality. For example, as regards relations with our ministers in government, there has always been a meeting of the three ministers with the leaders of Forza Italia every week ", explained the Cavaliere.

Gelmini, Minister for Regional Affairs, had complained that "Berlusconi, for Covid and justice, was unable to experience the political season and the events firsthand, he heard them from the closed Arcore and only had a part of the truth, a part of the story "." He was told - he continued, triggering the controversy within the party - that we who are in government are 'Draghians' and not Berlusconians, we were told that we would sell ourselves and instead, precisely because we love Fi and do not resign ourselves to the decline we are experiencing or reacting now or never ".

And again: “The allies made a mistake in the administrative decisions: not nominating Lupi was a mistake, Michetti in Rome was a gigantic mistake. But perhaps we should have been harder on President Berlusconi in asking for different names. If we do not want Fi to be reduced to a courtyard with ten elected representatives, the political line must be more that of Carfagna than that of others: moderate, pro-European, with a culture of government. But it is a line that Tajani has given up on representing. If we go ahead with the Lega and Fdi there will be room for a few and others will occupy our space. The time of populism is over ”, concluded Gelmini.

Words signed by Renato Brunetta, Minister of Public Administration: "The discontent is there, it is widespread, Mariastella Gelmini has given a correct representation of it, and I myself have reiterated it

yesterday afternoon to President Berlusconi, the coordinator Tajani present ", the words of Brunetta.

But, as mentioned, Berlusconi throws water on the fire: "Today the newspapers talked about separation, all exaggerated things and there is absolutely nothing I need to worry about".

(Unioneonline / lf)

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