“History cannot be erased ... and the future has yet to be written”.

This is the post published on Instagram by Zlatan Ibrahimovic , to accompany a photo of him in the company of Silvio Berlusconi.

In the shot, which quickly filled up with likes, the former AC Milan president - now the patron of Monza - affectionately rests his hands on the shoulders of the very Swedish champion, as evidence of a great bond of friendship.

The details of the meeting - which took place at Villa San Martino in Arcore - were revealed by the Cav on Tik Tok.

“A curious boy from Tik Tok called me because he saw Ibra come in and asked me: 'What is Ibra doing with you?' And I said to him 'I want to teach him how to run a business' ” , explained Berlusconi.

The AC Milan striker and leader, on the other hand, replied to his former president, smiling: "Instead, I have to teach Berlusconi how to play football ."

(Unioneonline / lf)

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