«I believe that before eight months, a year we will not be able to tender for beach concessions, but I think it is better to assign the beaches that are not assigned first: there are wonderful free beaches where there are waste and drug addicts, nobody think about keeping them in order, maybe we could start from there. Naturally they must be usable for everyone.

This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè , speaking at the Confesercenti Assembly.

The issue of beach concessions - explained Santanché - "is part of the powers that Minister Musumeci has, I was brought up for an alleged conflict of interest".

The Minister of Tourism then sounded the alarm about the "delivery of parts of our coast to multinationals, which would take away what are our peculiarities, because in our bathing establishments, depending on the Region, there is a type of hospitality, food, hospitality".

« I would feel bad – commented Santanché – if we could no longer eat our spaghetti with clams or eggplant parmesan on our beaches ».


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