Captain on the field, club manager once he hung up his boots and now general manager. Very fast and well-deserved career for Jack Devecchi. Dinamo Banco di Sardegna has announced the promotion of the boy from Lombardy who has lived in Sardinia for 17 years and lives for the Sassari club.

President Stefano Sardara explains: «Jack embodies one hundred percent the Dinamo man and his contribution on the other side of the pitch was immediately of great impact at all levels. Jack lives the club in a visceral way with great operations and I am sure that in these new roles he will be a further added value for all of us."

The new general manager Devecchi comments: «I thank the owners for this position, I always imagined a future behind the desk once I hung up my shoes but I couldn't hope for such a satisfactory path. There is a lot of work to do and as I had already perceived, Dinamo is a machine that never stops, which always has an eye on the future and long-term planning. Fortunately, the feeling of those who work for the club is one of profound sharing of values, in which everyone feels part of the Dinamo world and experiences it firsthand: for this reason we all look to the future together with confidence and enthusiasm."

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