In the last few hours, Bari has treated the Genoa midfielder Manolo Portanova, sentenced in the first instance to six years' imprisonment for group sexual violence (and for this reason no longer used by the griffins): the social protest of the fans has exploded against this engagement strongly against the transfer.

The indiscretion on the market - which envisaged the transfer on a straight loan for six months - triggered the reaction of the red and white supporters. Here are some messages posted on the website: "Immediate cancellation from any platform (Dazn, Sky, etc.) should it come. Polito resign!"; "This operation makes everything understood... We are in really bad shape"; "We are not a recovery community. Portanova should stay at Genoa".

Other supporters posted comments and protests under a November 25 post on Bari's Facebook page in which the club launched a campaign against gender-based violence. The tenor of the messages is this: "In the face of violence in general and against women, children, the disabled and the elderly in particular, football can only fade into the background, indeed disappear completely. Portanova may also be a good footballer but if he committed that for who was sentenced in the first instance in Bari will never be welcome. Portanova away from my city". With this fiery climate, Bari's strengthening campaign will end tonight, which has so far sold six players, buying only the young goalkeeper Sarri.


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