Excited, her voice broken, tears ready to fall, Barbara D'Urso is shaken and upset: this is how she experienced her return to TV, guest of Mara Venier on Domenica in on Rai1.

«I came here yesterday, a day before the broadcast, because of the excitement. I started here in these studios that were once called Dear, I was 19 years old, I came back excited, I really still am, the emotion of life always surprises you."

A long interview that lasted about an hour, in which the private life of the former Mediaset presenter was also covered.

The sore point of the conversation was the break-up with Mediaset: «The truth is that all my pain is still here. I was torn from my life, I was at Mediaset for 23 years, happy especially in the first years, for 16 years I went live every day, the company gave me a lot, it's true but I gave my life, I'm there always been during Covid, when everyone was at home I was there every day to keep the Italians company, to make them sing from the balconies and to inform them. I have not forgotten the terrible way in which I was sent away, on 26 June at 4.20pm, no one has ever explained it to me, for me it is still a great pain that remains here."

Barbara D'Urso is very upset, and when asked if she wants to wage war on Mediaset she replies: «War in every area is terrible, I don't want to wage it, but we'll see what happens. Little by little it will pass. Returning to Rai is very important for me, I started here, I was at Rai for years. My heart is always yours." But those waiting for announcements about its future remained empty-handed.


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