The conference “And if it were... Awareness is Freedom. Designing a different world, imagining possible trajectories”. The appointment – starting from 16.30 until 20.30 – is in via San Salvatore da Horta 2, in the conference room of the Fondazione di Sardegna, exclusive contributor to the initiative.

Two days of conference with a theme with multiple implications condensed in the title which invites experts in various sectors to debate among themselves and with the public on the possibility of exploring new horizons, of designing unprecedented trajectories to build a world fit for new challenges and needs.

This starting from awareness, understood both as a measure of risks and obstacles and as a driving force towards experimentation in a broad and broad sense, as a theoretical and methodological premise for investigating current scenarios and current trends so as to organize entrepreneurial challenges, management and policies for the future so as not to chase and suffer it but to anticipate and shape it.

«The meeting that we decided to organize - underlines the scientific director, Silvano Tagliagambe - concerns the need to propose an approach that is not afraid of risk and knows how to take the path of fundamental innovation, based on an authentic "bet ”, to the detriment of the gradual and prudent approach usually adopted. Today it is more urgent than ever to take a similar path, combining an intensely rational and rigorous attitude with a will that is intensely transformative».

An Instant Book will be produced at the end of the event.

The journalists Daniela Pinna and Paola Pintus, together with the professor of Digital Ethics and blogger, Michele Kettmaier will moderate the sessions with the speakers in sequence.

The opening on Wednesday 18 January - starting at 16.30 - curated by Nicola Pirina, an expert in innovation strategies who will introduce the scientific director, Silvano Tagliagambe, who will offer a framework for the two days.

The speakers of the first day will be: Alberto De Toni, Luca De Biase, Andrea Bonaccorsi, Cristina Rossi Lamastra who will follow one another for thirty minutes each. At the end of the questions from the audience.

The following day, Thursday 19 January, Nicola Pirina and Silvano Tagliagambe will outline the picture that has emerged up to that moment, summarizing the suggestions that emerged on the initial day and will thus kick off the second session which will have among the protagonists: Roberto Masiero, Daniela Viglione, Roberto Battiston , Roberto Siagri, Tiziana Catarci, Alfio Quarteroni and Ignazio Licata according to the usual scheme and times.

To the scientific director, Silvano Tagliagambe, the task of identifying the common thread between the various interventions and the closure of the works by Nicola Pirina.


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