The theater returns to brighten the autumn of Carbonia with a show that is already enjoying success: with the first date on October 26th, thanks to the company "La Maschera" "Carbonia in scene" took off, scheduled until November 5th at the Central Theater in Piazza Roma. A rich program of shows, organized with the patronage of the Municipality and structured into 8 events for a theatrical autumn as an important cultural aggregation center for the city and the territory.

Good debut with “Evviva gli ortaggi”, Burattini with Fabio Pisu. And last but not least yesterday was the performance of "Devils and Pots". Today at 7.30pm "Assenze unjustificate in rock" will be on stage, directed by Giulio Landis of the Quinte Emotive company. It continues on October 29th at the same time with “The Son of Man”, directed by Enzo Parodo.

We then move on to Thursday 2 November at 6pm with the piece “Efisio e la Peste”, then on 3 November “Filastrocca”, by and with Daniele Pettinau, and again on 4 November “Carla or of being oneself”, for the directed by Tino Belloni, of the Barbariciridicoli company. Finally on Sunday 5 November “Women at the crossroads of..Carbonia”, by Enzo Parodo.

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