"This provision demonstrates once again that this government will keep its commitments , consistency with the mandate given by the citizens, for us, is a compass".

Thus the premier Giorgia Meloni after the launch of the bill on autonomy by the Council of Ministers.

An approval just a few days away from the regional elections which makes the Lega rejoice in particular , which was aiming for the go-ahead before the vote in Lombardy, where the process to obtain functions carried out so far by the state has already been started.

From Matteo Salvini up to the Venetian governor Luca Zaia, in the Carroccio house everyone agrees: «A historic day».

According to the bill, edited by Minister Calderoli and made up of 10 articles , the assignment of functions can only take place after the determination of the essential levels of services, the Lep defined with the Dpcm, within a year as required by the latest budget law. The process for the agreement between the Region (also with special statute) and the State will last at least 5 months, including the 60 days for the examination of the Chambers.
If the majority cheers, the opposition attacks. «The approval of the Autonomy bill in the CDM is yet another electoral mockery of a policy that makes propaganda on the institutional structure of the state. This stuff comes to parliament in 6 months. But they approve it in a hurry and badly the week before the regional elections," wrote the leader of Action Carlo Calenda on Twitter.

«Today's Autonomy is an electoral spot in view of the regional elections in Lombardy. The real risk is to split the country and increase inequalities, to the detriment of the South. The 5 Star Movement will be at the forefront against this dangerous drift», says the former Speaker of the Chamber Roberto Fico (M5S).

I also criticize the Democratic Party. For Elly Schlein , candidate for the dem secretariat, "Today Calderoli's differentiated autonomy arrives in the Council of Ministers, bypassing the confrontation with the Regions and with Parliament, to advance a bill that divides the country".


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