The "Appointment with the heart, cardiology between the GP, the specialist and the hospital" is in its fourth edition, scheduled for tomorrow, May 26, and Saturday 27 in the airport conference hall . The meeting is organized by Dr. Gianluca Sanna, head of the Cardiology clinic of the ASL Gallura and will be an opportunity to highlight the close relationship between the brain and the heart in daily practice , with a particular focus on Alzheimer's and dementia.

Alongside the scientific and informative part, the risks of communication between doctor and patient, the role of the health professional and the health economist will be discussed. The works will begin with greetings from the general director of the ASL Gallura, Marcello Acciaro , the medical director Raffaele De Fazio, the mayor of Olbia, Settimo Nizzi, the rector of the University of Sassari, Gavino Mariotti, the president of the Order of Doctors of Sassari, Nicola Addis, and the vicar general of the diocese of Tempio Ampurias, don Andrea Raffatellu.

During the two days, which is aimed at general practitioners, specialists, nurses, pharmacists, psychologists and citizens, a rich calendar of appointments is planned with seminars held by cardiologists, diabetologists, pulmonologists, nephrologists, neurologists, professors and lawyers. The appointment will be worth 7.7 ECM training credits for specialist doctors, pharmacists and nurses.

«The objective of the conference - explains Sanna - is to involve more and more general practitioners, specialists and hospital doctors in following the best treatment for the patient. Indeed, it is the latter that must be at the center of our attention with correct continuity of care. It is essential to create a collaborative network between us doctors to prevent the patient from being referred from one professional to another".

The event is sponsored by the Order of Doctors and Dentists of the Province of Sassari, Uniss, the Region of Sardinia, Asl Gallura, the municipality of Olbia and the Simpliciana library of Olbia.

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