«We will soon inaugurate the initiative entitled “Il Bel Paese” dedicated to the theme of landscape. Following the format already tested in 2023, we are hosting 4 works by masters of art history such as Carrà, Fattori, Rosai, Corot and a selection of ten contemporary authors who will represent for the occasion some glimpses of our territory in the section: Il Bel Town of Arzachena".

This was announced by the delegate for Culture, Valentina Geromino. The exhibition, in collaboration with the Magmma Museum of Villacidro and the Ca' La Ghironda Museum of Zola Predosa - Metropolitan City of Bologna, will be set up at the Michele Ruzittu Civic Museum, and will be inaugurated on April 19th. "The Bel Paese - The Italian landscape between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries", this is the full title of the exhibition, which will see the works of Carlo Carrà, Giovanni Fattori, Ottone Rosai and Jean Baptiste Corot on display.

«The successful experiment with the exhibition "Piacere! non sono io" last year, that is the involvement of some of the major contemporary authors of national importance - states the artistic director Walter Marchionni - we replicate it also on this occasion, but with a particular message: that of promoting the territory of Arzachena through the representation of its landscape thanks to artists who, each following their own path and style, immortalise its spirit and soul". The exhibition, which will end on July 21st, crosses Italy, from the Risorgimento to the Great War, from the Macchiaioli to the Futurists.

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