Artificial intelligence as a tool to cure new diseases, to reproduce a voice and console an elderly man after the loss of his wife, but also used to create fake news.

These are some of the ideas that over one hundred students from the Dettori classical high school, the scientific Brotzu and the Martini economic technical institute of Cagliari developed during the challenge hosted in the faculty of Humanistic Studies of the University of the capital as part of the initiative promoted by Coding Girls of the Digital World Foundation, created to help girls and boys orient themselves in studies and professions.

The challenge between students, carried out in collaboration with the Mathematics and Computer Science department, included the "ChatSpot: Ai in social advertising" hackathon as part of Ital.IA Lab, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Microsoft program created to spread opportunities of generative artificial intelligence and the right skills to use it in a sustainable and inclusive way. The students led by five tutors from the University of Cagliari worked to create interactive stories using generative AI applications, necessarily having to have a critical, ethical and responsible approach. Three awarded projects out of the twelve selected by the jury composed of Elisabetta Gola , full professor of the department of Historical, Philosophical, Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences and deputy director for communication and image, Stefano Federici , researcher of Computer Science of the department of Pedagogy, Psychology , Philosophy, and Andrea Pinna , researcher in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

The group called 'I cuochi' of the Brotzu school won the award for best project with the video entitled 'The danger of deepfake': using the IA they made the Russian president Putin speak, making him declare war on the Vatican State , leading to launch, again through a video generated by artificial intelligence, an appeal to the Pope.

The Gno group of the Martini institute won the award for the most innovative project with the commercial 'The power in your hands' in which they had the AI itself describe the positive and negative effects of its use. For the most creative project, however, the Dettori students of the Crasc group were awarded with the idea entitled 'Help, not danger' which analyzes the false information spread about AI.

«I saw a lot of student participation - underlines Elisabetta Gola - It is very interesting to propose topics that concern technologies that are part of the students' world with the aim of increasing their awareness. There were some very stimulating ideas and reflections, perhaps even beyond expectations. We hope to have some of these kids in our classrooms at the University."


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