The Sardinia Film Festival is coming of age, but the XVIII edition organized by Cineclub Sassari is thinking of children and families, including grandparents. From today until Sunday, free screenings of animated masterpieces at the Cityplex Moderno in Sassari.

We start tonight at 8.30pm with the short " Mary and the Midnight Spirit " (Italy-85') distributed by BIM, the latest animated film by Enzo D'Alò, the same director who directed the award-winning "The Seagull and the cat".

Tomorrow the "Sff Kids - At the cinema with grandparents" section offers at 11 am the animated short " Mummies - A walk in time" (Spain-United States-2023-88'), directed by Juan Jesús García Galocha. In the evening at 8.30pm “ Titina” (Norway-Belgium-2022-90'), distributed by Bim and directed by Kajsa Naess, will be screened.

On Saturday at 11am the cult “ My Neighbor Totoro” (Japan-1988-86') directed by Hayao Miyazaki while at 8.30pm “ Manodopera” (France, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal-2023-70') will be presented to the public. directed by Alain Ughetto.

Closing on Sunday 31st with a double screening: at 11am " Ernest and Celestine - The Adventure of the 7 Notes" (France/Luxembourg-2022-80') directed by Jean-Christophe Roger (II) and Julien Chheng; at 4pm “ The Little Mermaid” (United States-2023-135') directed by Rob Marshall.

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