«A good result» says Andrea Crippa, deputy secretary of the League, on the vote in Sardinia: «If we add the League's list to that of the Sardinian Action Party we are at 9%: we will immediately form the common group in the Regional Council. On the other hand, FdI has lost ten points compared to the Policies".

And on Truzzu's candidacy: «There was a mistake in the choice: you cannot catapult a candidate from Rome without listening and knowing the area. Especially since Salvini was in Sardinia 8 times before the vote and Meloni only once." Fratelli d'Italia says that Solinas would have lost anyway: «In my opinion, however, the Sardinians would have understood the continuity. The coalition must be governed as Berlusconi did, who was very generous and gave something to everyone and you can't win alone - continues the deputy secretary in the conversation with Il Fatto Quotidiano - one can also claim one's own candidate, but one must have men at the height. We have them, they are excellent administrators in the area and in fact it is precisely for this reason that we are asking for a third mandate for Zaia. I hope to be able to re-nominate someone who has 70% of the votes in Veneto. In the regional elections our candidates, like Zaia and Fedriga, have always received more votes than their own lists."

Basilicata? «We made a sacrifice in Sardinia, the Brothers of Italy in Sicily: now it's FI's turn».


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