"We registered the interest on the part of Foreign Minister Di Maio who, with respect to the dispute, Air Italy would be talking directly with the owners to request the blocking of the dismissal letters and we reiterated the willingness of the Region to find every solution and viable way to ensure that activate the best forms of worker protection, also through the use of the newly obtained EGF funds ".

Thus the regional councilor for work, Alessandra Zedda, at the end of the inter-ministerial table which was attended - in addition to the workers' representatives - by the deputy ministers of economic development, Alessandra Todde, of Infrastructures, Teresa Bellanova, and the two regions involved, Sardinia, precisely, and Lombardy.
"We regret the absence of the owner - added Zedda - who did not want to be present at the table even today to find a solution. We remain confident that the provision for the extension of the redundancy fund can be included in the thousand extensions decree. parties involved do their part to arrive at a solution other than the dismissal of Air Italy workers ".

And while the Farnesina "talks" with Qatar and Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl Air transport ask that "the government stop sending the letters of dismissal" of workers, the situation Air Italy continues to arouse numerous reactions policies.

The Democratic Party, through the president of the Labor Commission of the Chamber Romina Mura, speaks of "inertia unacceptable", underlining "the obvious lack of interest shown so far by the Government for the 1,300 workers of Air Italy who are about to be fired".

Fratelli d'Italia, on the other hand, underlines “yet another nothing done at the table convened by the government on the Air Italy case, where only Undersecretary Bellanova represented the executive and the very serious absence of the company's liquidators stood out. From 1 January, the workers of the airline placed in liquidation in February 2020 will find themselves without any social safety net and with the prospect of an immediate dismissal. In this dramatic situation, the government has not so far considered it appropriate to allocate funds for the 2022 CIG in the Budget Law, citing the company's failure to request activation, thus leaving the workers unable to act legally against the agency. We are now past the point of no return and the government must clarify ”.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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