The Region's 8 million euro tender for the beef cattle sector is good, but the delay of a year and a half is weighing on companies: this is the position of Coldiretti Sardegna on the council's provision granting aid to small and medium-sized businesses operate in this sector .

For the president and director of the association, Battista Cualbu and Luca Saba, the tender «finally brings into play the resources that we have been asking for some time from the Region, but this measure had been adopted by the Regional Council, with the character of urgency, even 18 months ago and was in danger of going bankrupt."

«This situation of constant uncertainty on regional aid for the world of the Sardinian countryside - explain the president and director - continues to cause damage to the world of island breeders and farmers and further underlines the large gap that exists between the life times of the businesses and those in the world of politics."

And precisely on the subject of tenders, Coldiretti urges the publication of interventions for other sectors , especially cereals, fruit and vegetables, beekeeping and wine.

«Our intervention on the institutions had led to the allocation of a further 23 million in funds in favor of these sectors but we are still stuck at this point - denounces the association -. Like the resources, we ask once again that the publication of tenders be speeded up."


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