ALB of Tempio Pausania, the company producing Acqua Smeraldina, obtains another important recognition.

She was awarded the national award "One Hundred Italian Excellences 2023". The Observatory of Italian Excellence chose the Gallura company, which has also won multiple awards abroad, for its recognized merits «in having contributed to the socio-economic development of Italy».

The president of ALB, Mauro Solinas, accepted the award in the Sala della Regina, at Palazzo Montecitorio, in Rome. The competition is overseen by the Honorary Committee chaired by Pasquale Stanzione, president of the Privacy Authority.

The event is sponsored by: Presidency of the Council of Ministers, various ministries, Court of Auditors, Municipality of Rome, Italian Space Agency, Coast Guard, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Istat, Superior Council of Public Works and Federmanager. Acqua Smeraldina will be included in the volume “One Hundred Italian Excellences”.

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