In central Sardinia it is quite common, but the twist when it comes to archeology is always possible: a specimen was found exceptionally also at the Sirai nuraghe, that is to say the Sardinian south west. It is a bronze votive quiver in two fragments, recently found outside the second fortified line of the Nuraghe Sirai of Carbonia .

This pendant, which represents in miniature a cute quiver to wear or show, is a plate made in a single piece : on one side there are three throwing tips (stilettos), on the other you can recognize the representation of a dagger. The object came to light after 2700 years thanks to the excavation campaigns coordinated by the archaeologist Carla Perra : "It can be compared - he explains - with several dozen specimens from different sites in mainly central Sardinia as well as Etruria". The provenance mainly refers to burials: in Etruria between the end of the ninth and the middle of the eighth century BC, in Tharros (Phoenician Punic tombs up to the fifth century BC: but quivers of this kind have emerged in Abini (Teti), Antas, Villanovaforru . "The symbolic function of the representation of weapons is pre-eminent - continues the archaeologist - given the link between the type of object and the Nuragic weapons depicted in the bronzes, it is evident that their use is to be traced back to a selected class of Nuragic society".

The very rare find is now exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Villa Sulcis.

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