" With all due respect, Veneto is not Campania, Puglia, Sardinia or Tuscany: it is much more, it has a value that goes beyond that of other regions. If Rome takes this into account, the coalition in the region will have a long and peaceful life. Otherwise, as President Luca Zaia announced yesterday, there will be great tensions at the regional level and the paths will separate, without rancor or remorse".

Alberto Villanova, leader of the Liga Veneta-Lega in the Veneto region, stated this in an interview with Affari Italiani regarding the internal debate within the center-right on the upcoming regional elections . A debate centered on the name of the candidate for governor, which the League claims and which has the face of Luca Zaia, who is currently not eligible for re-election due to the "two mandates and stop" constraint. Hence the tensions between the League and Fratelli d'Italia , which is said to be planning to propose its own name. A hypothesis about which Zaia himself has already thundered: "It is tiresome that the lesson on the third mandate comes from mouths that have been fed by Parliament for 30 years . I have priorities, and the main one is called Veneto. So "Veneto first", because it is right that the CEO of this region respects and follows the Venetians".

Now the leader of the League in the Veneto regional council reiterates the concept, also imagining three possible scenarios. «The number one option – says Villanova – for us is always to nominate Zaia, the most beloved president in Italy» and «we will continue on this path until the end while also waiting for the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the government's appeal with the Campania law (for the third mandate, ed.)».

The second option, for Villanova, is a candidate for president of the League with the united center-right . As for the third option, "if the Roman parties allied with the League in the national government do not take into account the political and identity sensitivities that Veneto has for us, then - says Villanova - we will go alone to the regional elections with our own candidate clearly supported also by the Lista Zaia which will always remain a point of strength. Other solutions are not contemplated".

When asked if they are not afraid of losing or of letting the left win, Villanova answers confidently: «With the Lega's plan alone in Veneto, together with other civic lists, we are firmly convinced that there will be huge surprises at the polls. And we are absolutely sure that we can keep the leadership of the region».


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