Terror in the New York subway in full rush hour: just before 8.30 am (early afternoon in Italy) a man opened fire at the Sunset Park station in Brooklyn, on the platform of line N. The budget is at least 29 wounded, including five hit by bullets.

In the same subway station, local media reported, smoke bombs were found (at first there was talk of explosive devices).

According to an initial reconstruction, the shooter was on the platform and, upon the arrival of a convoy, he put on a gas mask, lit a smoke bomb and pressed the trigger several times against the passengers, both those inside the wagon and on the quay. The gun he was holding would have jammed, and that probably just kept the toll from getting worse. So he disappeared.

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On the spot, after the alarm, the police and also the anti-terrorism squads intervened. The authorities immediately put the area in lockdown and stopped the movement of trains. The injured were first rescued on the subway platform and then transported to the hospital. Some of them are serious, but their conditions are described as "critical, but stable".

From what we learn, the suspect who opened fire in the subway - he looks like a black man about 165 cm tall - was wearing a red workman's jacket similar to the one worn by the subway maintainers and a gas mask and, as mentioned, after the shots he fled. It is now sought after.

The White House immediately contacted the Mayor of New York Eric Adams to follow the evolution of the emergency. Just yesterday, President Joe Biden announced his intention to tighten "easy" weapons to stem the escalating violence in the United States.

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(Unioneonline / lf)

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