From 2027, bullfighting shows will no longer be able to take place in Colombia. This was established by parliament with a very large majority vote: "We have made a historic step forward, the killing of bulls will be banned in the country", wrote the deputies.

The measure, which will come into force in three years, was adopted with 93 votes in favor and two against. During this "transitional" period the State will have to guarantee alternative jobs to people who depend directly or indirectly on bullfighting and adapt the country's arenas to sporting and cultural activities.

In 2018, the Constitutional Court authorized bullfights in cities and villages with a bullfighting tradition, leaving parliamentarians to enforce any restrictions. Thus, in Bogota and Medellin (north-west), bullfights have no longer been authorized since 2020. Instead, in Cali (south-west), the third largest city in the country, and Manizales (central-west), bullfights are at the center of traditional festivals.

Colombia thus joins the list of South American countries that ban bullfighting, such as Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Guatemala.


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