Urzulei world capital of morra for two days . The traditional island game, in which players try to guess the number of fingers that move at very fast pace and in a crescendo of overlapping voices, resists. And it even imposes itself, especially in the villages of the inland areas.

In Urzulei this weekend, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September, the "World Championships" of Sardinian morra will take place. To be precise, the "Murramundu" , an international competition now in its twentieth edition.

Conceived and organized by the cultural association Sòciu po su jocu de sa murra” , the competition this year involved almost 200 murradores from different parts of Italy and Europe. The Sardinians will obviously be loud, but there will be the Catalans from La Rapita, the Aragonese from Teruel, the Corsicans and the French from the County of Nice , plus various other delegations from Haute Savoie, Croatia, Friuli, Tuscany and Sicily .

Behind this event, explains the president of the association Fabrizio Vella , «there is a great organizational and economic effort put in place not only by the association but also by the municipal administration led by the mayor Ennio Arba, by the Pro loco and by the entire community. This edition will be divided into two days of celebration for all those who love morra, culture and Sardinian identity."

The actual competition will take place on Saturday, while a conference on the morra is scheduled for Sunday .

«The event – explains Vella – aims to be a meeting between different peoples and cultures but united by the Mediterranean, where small rural realities resist and an ancient past survives that tries to keep up with the times, having fun and reinventing itself».


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