Trenitalia's railway workers in Sardinia are also joining the strike called jointly by the national secretariats Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Ugl Ferrovieri, Sml Fast Confsal and Orsa Ferrovie, creating various inconveniences.

«From the first data that are arriving in the various local offices of the Filt CGIL, the strike is having close to 100% participation - declares the general secretary of the Filt CGIL Sardinia Arnaldo Boeddu - Except for the trains which must be guaranteed in compliance with the law on self-regulation on strikes, in fact there is an entire blockade of train circulation in Sardinia ».

« The protest was inevitable, considering Trenitalia's evasive responses - he adds - In fact, in the face of the request of the trade union organizations for a certain hiring plan in terms of numbers and times in such a way as to be able to restore sufficient staff to guarantee a transport service train without having to resort to requests for overtime every time, the company continues to promise but never to give a concrete signal».

«But - insists the union leader - the protest is not limited to a by now chronic shortage of personnel . The further claims also focus on the relaunch of the rolling stock maintenance sector, the relaunch of the sales and customer assistance sectors, a series and more modern reorganization of the administrative sector as well as an investment plan that will quickly relaunch the entire company after two years of pandemic.


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