A medical record left on the dashboard of a car was enough to make a new gossip go crazy about the much-talked-about couple Francesco Totti-Noemi Bocchi.

Already at the center of rumors of all kinds, starting from the separation of the former player from his wife Ilary Blasi, to the history of the Rolexes, passing through the long distance question and answer on the subject of divorce, the two now end up in the weekly "Gente" for that which is believed to be a clue: Noemi could be expecting a child.

She and Francesco were intercepted by the paparazzi in a Roman restaurant. The first arrived with her car, the second with a scooter. And Noemi left a medical record right on the dashboard. So far, nothing in particular: the fact is that the document is stamped "Mater Dei", the structure in which the woman gave birth to her two children.

Not long ago the rumors of a pregnancy were denied by the couple's friends who, perhaps, only had an obligation to remain silent. Something may have changed.


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