"With the Democratic Party we have found a political synthesis." Thus Alessandra Todde at the end of the bilateral meeting with the Dems (Piero Comandini, Giuseppe Meloni, Roberto Deriu and Maria Francesca Fantato) for the negotiations on the formation of the new regional council.

«It's the last meeting with the Democratic Party, it went well and you can see it from our faces and from the conversations, we bet on a strong Pd-M5S axis, making sure that it was important for the coalition, it will be important for the council and the government of the Region".

From what emerges, the Democratic Party would have asked for four departments today too, two for the Reformist current, one for the Popolari, one for the left of the Democratic Party. Aware of the fact that, in the end, he will have to settle for three.

The boxes are Budget, Environment, General Affairs, and Public Works. “The criteria and the fact that a political synthesis that we have found is necessary were shared,” added the president.

On technicians: «We are discussing some complicated contexts. Which? For example healthcare, or local authorities. There are answers to be given."

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