Raise awareness among citizens on the issues of safeguarding and protecting cultural heritage, involving young Sardinian students on the importance of protecting Sardinian archaeological heritage, as well as making known the work of the Carabinieri Nucleus for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Cagliari, engaged in activities for the recovery and protection of lost or illegally stolen cultural assets.

These are the main objectives of the new collaboration project between the Barumini Sistema Cultura Foundation and the Carabinieri Nucleus for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Cagliari, with the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan city of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South. Sardinia and the Municipality of Barumini and which will result in an exhibition on the theme of safeguarding the cultural heritage intended to raise awareness among the public on the themes of the protection of archaeological and historical artistic assets, as well as of the landscape of Sardinia and which have been the subject of recovery, or seizure and subsequent restitution to citizenship by the military.

The exhibition, entitled "Thesaurus - The usurped heritage", will be inaugurated on 2 March (at 9.30) at the "Giovanni Lilliu" Center for Communication and Promotion of Cultural Heritage in Barumini and will remain on display until 14 May 2022.

THE EXHIBITION - In the showcase important finds among archaeological, historical, documentary and ecclesiastical goods, from the Bronze Age to the last century. These are assets recovered in service operations and underwater activities, including a manuscript of 1592, stolen from the diocesan archive of the Sardinian capital in the 70s concerning the canonical process with which the archdiocese of Cagliari officially recognized the history and miracles attributed to the statue of Our Lady of Bonaria and a machine gun dating back to the Second World War and found 50 meters deep in the Gulf of Cagliari, recovered thanks to the collaboration between the Superintendence and the Carabinieri Nucleo Cultural Heritage Protection of Cagliari.

THE SCHOOLS - The review will also have a didactic character, because it is aimed at high school students (3rd and 4th grades) and will directly involve the children who will have the opportunity to collaborate with the various institutions involved. The Foundation will provide free shuttle bus transport. The didactic project foresees the participation of the children at the inauguration of the exhibition and all the didactic material under study will be provided to the children. After the visit to the exhibition, there will be space for the elaboration in the classroom of an individual or group project which will then be the subject of a competition. The competition will award the best work before the end of the school year. The jury will be composed of representatives of the Barumini Sistema Cultura Foundation and the military personnel of the Carabinieri Nucleo for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Cagliari.

"We are proud to be able to host and organize, together with the Carabinieri Nucleo for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Cagliari, this important exhibition - comments Emanuele Lilliu, president of the Barumini Sistema Cultura Foundation - we believe it is essential to raise public awareness, starting from younger people, on the need to fully protect the archaeological and cultural works and finds that form the basis of our millenary history. "" This exhibition - continues Lilliu - will also make known the important value of the recovery operations of the Nucleus of Carabinieri who allow the use of these very important treasures that recall the history of Sardinia to be returned to the community ".

"The finds on display in this exhibition, of different eras and types and coming from various parts of the island, at the end of the judicial process that relegated them to the courts of the Region and to the Nucleus vault, are finally made available to the public" , the clarification from the Tpc Nucleus of Cagliari. "This beautiful exhibition reminds us that the huge Sardinian heritage, as well as the national one, is constantly at risk: between wars, natural disasters and neglect without forgetting the greater danger from which it is attacked and that the greed of man is under the eyes of all visitors. The women and men of this Nucleus have worked with the utmost commitment to give back to citizenship, saving them from oblivion, the stories that these finds are able to tell: an often hidden and unthinkable everyday life that deserves to be transmitted to the present day ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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