The ordeal is finally over for former Muravera and Torres midfielder Kalifa Kujabi . Frosinone, the club with which he has always trained since last summer, communicated “that they have reached an agreement with the footballer Kalifa Kujabi. The 2000 class arrives on a permanent basis and will wear the yellow and blue shirt until June 30, 2024 ".

Kujabi had been bought by Torres last summer but the Gialloblù club had not been able to complete the registration due to bureaucratic issues . A mistake in his surname cost the Gambian talent eight months off.

Now Fabio Grosso, coach of the Lazio team and world champion with the national team, will be able to count on his qualities. Kujabi will be available from the match against Perugia. Frosinone occupies the first position and begins to see Serie A. For the twenty-three year old player it could be a great opportunity.

His story is known. He crossed Africa with the dream of becoming a footballer. To suggest that he move his brother. "Go, you can make a career. You can't do anything in Africa". So from Gambia he arrived by boat in Sicily. Then the transfer to Muravera where he plays in Serie D. He got married in Villaputzu in 2021 with Gaia Podda and also has a daughter, Fatima. An amazing guy Kalifa Kujabi. Coach Francesco Loi couldn't do without them in his formations. Powerful physique, great class and also with the habit of scoring. He dreamed of professionalism and now he has made this dream come true. «It was my brother Bacari», says Kalifa, «who told me, when I was 16, that I had to leave The Gambia. He's a tour operator, he told me I had talent but that, to make a career in football, I had to leave and reach Europe. He entrusted me to a trafficker, all at his expense. I left by car to Niger. In Gambia I left many family members. My mom went to Senegal when I was thirteen. She still lives there after breaking up with her father who now has three wives». He speaks Italian very well. «In Senegal», he continues, «they put me in the car, arriving as far as Libya. I was there alone for seven months. Always followed from afar by my brother Bacari».

Then the boat that took him to Sicily on 30 April 2017 where he ended up in a shelter. «After a month, they took me to Palermo, where I studied and obtained my eighth grade diploma. I got to play football at the community center that hosted me. Someone noticed me and in 2018 took me to Muravera. I will never stop thanking him, I will never stop thanking the club that welcomed me, coach Francesco Loi, his deputy Antonio Carta, his staff, the managers, the fans who adopted me, the teammates. I won the championship of Excellence ». Then the experience with Torres and, now, Frosinone.

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