In 2022 the economic role of the Superbonus incentive in Sardinia was decidedly more important than in the rest of Italy . The investments activated on the island by the aid contributed to the variation of the GDP for as much as 568.7 million euros : 1.8 percentage points of growth out of a total of 2.9 percentage points.

Over 61% of Sardinian GDP growth in 2022 can therefore be attributed to redevelopment works incentivized with 110% . This is what emerges from a research by the Study Center of Cna Sardegna on the use of tax incentives for building redevelopment.

In 2022, the value of investments linked to the superbonus (30% remaining from the previous year + 70% of those sworn in the year) was around 1.13 billion euro. For the works incentivized with the superbonus, 832 million euros were spent in 2022, 264 million in 2021 and 86 million in 2020.

The 832 million euros of investments in 2022 have activated around 6,670 employees in the construction sector (considering construction and direct and indirect induced activities, we arrive at around 12,600 employees).

According to the artisan organization, the possibility of transferring the tax credit , later extended to other incentives (ecobonus, restructuring bonus, facade bonus), has freed up a large amount of resources , fueling investment spending and building activity. Limiting ourselves to the superbonus, in Sardinia the number of jobs involved was enormous and the expenditure necessary for their realization supported both the growth of the regional economy and employment.

«One month after the start of the table at Palazzo Chigi, no significant progress has been recorded - comment Francesco Porcu and Antonello Mascia , respectively regional secretary of Cna Sardegna and president of Cna Costruzioni -. Even in Sardinia we are experiencing an explosive situation , with hundreds of companies which, having run out of liquidity, have to suspend their activity by stopping construction sites , accumulating delays in payments to employees. Without an immediate solution the specter is failure . The Government puts in place the direct intervention of a public buyer of last resort also involving large investee companies and allowing credit institutions to use the F24 to offset the credits accrued by companies », they conclude.


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