Green light from the Solinas junta to the regional budget, which allocates resources of 9 billion euros for 2022, to which will be added the EU funds of the new 2021-2027 programming and those relating to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The regional budget includes, among other things, 40 million euros for the planning of municipalities, birth bonuses with contributions up to 600 euros per month up to the fifth year of age for children residing in municipalities under 3 thousand inhabitants, incentives for to give birth to new activities in Centers at risk of depopulation. And the existing tax concessions are maintained and in addition to the refinancing of labor measures.

"For the first time, Sardinia will fight atavistic evils such as the depopulation of the territories and isolation with force and determination", underlines the governor Christian Solinas. "This budget law has a profound impact on the Sardinian economic and social fabric - continued the President - and combines strategy and perspective with the planning capacity that from now on will see local institutions and bodies involved. We are facing a stability maneuver that it plays a strategic role in the recovery and growth of Sardinia. Thanks to a series of targeted measures and the refinancing of those considered strategic, we will positively influence future development policies ".

FIGHT AGAINST DEPOPULATION - Of particular importance - highlights Villa Devoto - is the chapter "Local development and measures to combat depopulation".

"The maneuver - explains a note - allocates resources in favor of families who reside or transfer their residence in the municipalities subject to the concession (under 3 thousand inhabitants) for each child born from 2022 onwards, adopted or in pre-adoptive foster care until completion of the fifth year of age ".

RENOVATIONS - Again in a key to contrasting depopulation is the non-repayable grant of up to 15 thousand euros for the renovation of a first home intended for those who reside or move their residence in municipalities of less than 3 thousand inhabitants. On the other hand, those who decide to open a business in the weaker territories will be able to count on a contribution of up to 20 thousand euros (contribution of 15 thousand for a new opening, which reaches up to 20 thousand in the case of new hires). Tax credit is also provided for activities that already operate in those municipalities (also in this case the contribution is subject to an increase in the event of a new employee being hired.

"Today we are implementing the measures that we consider most valid to support the competitiveness of the regional production system as a whole, to foster employment, attract new business initiatives and consolidate existing ones - explained the Councilor for Budget and Planning. Giuseppe Fasolino - Although there are still elements of uncertainty regarding the evolution of the pandemic, this financial maneuver, compared to the previous ones strongly conditioned by the need to deal with the health and economic emergency, is aimed at overcoming the management of the emergency in the strict sense and identifies a program of interventions for the development of the territory, including measures for work, entrepreneurship and contrasting the depopulation of small municipalities ", concluded Fasolino.

DEVELOPMENT - As part of development policies, the planning fund is set up: 40 million to anticipate the planning costs of local authorities, useful for restarting investments and creating development and employment. In addition, 5 million a year is allocated in the three-year period 22-23-24 to support the administrations of local authorities with expert staff able to support them in the management of national and European calls and in territorial planning with the aim of shortening the gap between more virtuous territories and those left behind. The control room also established yesterday by the council will be an extra support to help the municipalities to seize the opportunities deriving from the tenders. Also confirmed the single fund in favor of local authorities for an amount that exceeds 600 million euros.

EMPLOYMENT - On the labor front, the contribution is increased to allow the hiring of personnel linked to the release of the turnover of the Forestas agency. This is a measure that after ten years will have a positive effect on employment levels throughout Sardinia and which will also "populate" the internal areas and those considered weaker with workers.

For the first time, a non-repayable grant is set aside for investments in the trade sector in the amount of 40% (30 million euros). Another 10 million is allocated to the artisans with support contributions for the sector (law 949) refinanced with the maneuver in progress.

The measures on work that served as a fundamental parachute during the two years of health and economic crisis have been refinanced, making an extra effort over the next few years. For economic recovery and to support businesses and workers burdened by the crisis, another 10 million are allocated to the Resisto Fund, in addition to 16 million from the "Sardegna Lavoro" Fund.

SOCIAL - Finally, all the allocations for social policies have also been confirmed. On the health front, among the measures of particular importance is the increase in the allocation for devices in favor of diabetics, bringing from 4 to 10 million a year.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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