Controversy over what happened in Pesaro, during the opening concert of the “Pesaro 2024 – Italian Capital of Culture” event.

What sparked discussion on social media was a "curtain" triggered by Paolo Bonolis , who presented the evening, with the director of the Orchestra Olimpia , an all-female musical ensemble, Francesca Perrotta.

Bonolis called Perrotta "ma'am" several times, until she reminded him: "You can call me director." Then the host defined a percussionist as "very sexy" and when Perrotta explained that he played the triangle, Bonolis joked: "Ah, also Renato Zero...".

Words that were not appreciated by the conductor: «I was there because I had a role. I was not Mrs. Perrotta. I was there because I was the director," Perrotta said in an interview with the Quotidiano Nazionale. As for the other jokes and the percussionist defined as "sexy", the director of the Olimpia Orchestra explained: «It bothered me, but I wasn't ready to respond. It was out of place. I told the musician I was sorry, she gave me a smile and that was it. We are used to seeing the thin line that goes into the personal being crossed, in this case of a low level because it is sexual: men have always exercised power and women have suffered it. But no woman would have presented a musician called to perform in front of 8 thousand people like this."


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