Presented in the meeting room of Cagliari airport the new appearance of the brand of origin and quality of the typical Sardinian handicraft products and of the initiatives for its promotion and enhancement .

It is the word “Isola” with the graphic image of the horse stylized in two ways: a main elaboration consisting of the denomination “Sardinia Island of craftsmanship” and an alternative with the denomination “Island handicraft of Sardinia” .

Traditional craftsmanship will thus be known in Europe and the United Kingdom, the last step in the strategy put in place by the Tourism Department to promote the sector. The brand's vehicle at an international level will also be sport, because it will be present in the Cagliari football shirts. In the meantime, in Sardinia, the ISOLA stores will reopen, both in airports and in cities.

"The artistic and traditional craftsmanship is an excellence of the cultural and identity heritage of Sardinia - explained the Councilor for Tourism, Crafts and Commerce, Gianni Chessa - and represents a strategic segment within the entire craft sector, too, as part of the promotional activities of the regional territory, as a quality component of the island's tourist product. Therefore, the Region is strongly committed to supporting a sector that deserves greater visibility ".

Presentato il nuovo marchio Isola (foto Ufficio stampa - Ras)
Presentato il nuovo marchio Isola (foto Ufficio stampa - Ras)
Presentato il nuovo marchio Isola (foto Ufficio stampa - Ras)

The origins of the ISOLA brand date back to 1956 when it was exhibited in an exhibition at the Sassari Biennale . For sixty years it circulated with no guarantees of authenticity. Now the artisans who want to can ask the Region to use the brand in the various sectors ranging from the processing of ceramics, wood, filigree and fabrics. The certification will be issued by a special commission made up of officials of the Tourism Department and representatives of trade associations.

"The 'Isola' brand - explained the commissioner Chessa - has been redefined to offer a unique and representative message of the island . 2021, which has come to completion with the conversion from a 'collective mark' to a 'certification mark', as envisaged for all those registered in Italy in the craft sector. Thanks also to this novelty, we intend to enhance, protect and consolidate a new and more effective unified and coordinated image which, respecting the combination of tradition and innovation, is an expression of the island's identity heritage. productions of the island's handicraft. The new look represents an opportunity to define in a univocal way the methods of using the image in communication and institutional and tourist promotion activities, through the approval of a user manual, so as to avoid that the brand is used improperly, for the benefit of a unitary and qualified support communication to artistic and traditional craftsmanship and, in general, to the image of Sardinia. The new trademark can be used by all operators, economic or otherwise, located or operating in Sardinia, subject to the granting of use by the Regional Department ".

"The creation of the new brand - concluded Chessa - follows a path of activities in support of the enhancement of artisan businesses and their creations. So far, among the strategic actions, the 'Virtual showcase of artistic craftsmanship' project started in 2016 with the development of the platform for some creations (ceramics, knife, wrought iron, jewelery, weaving, weaving, filigree and carving), participation in the main national and international trade fairs, the consolidation and opening of exhibition areas, such as the one in the 'UnipolDomus' stadium, as part of the collaboration with Cagliari football and the collaboration with the management companies of the airports of Cagliari, Olbia and Alghero to encourage communication actions in synergy with the airport system ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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